Chafica Haddad is the Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme (IFAP) of UNESCO and the Deputy Permanent Delegate of Grenada to UNESCO. Since 2000, as representative of Grenada, she has played key roles in UNESCO’s international standard setting activities, chairing or serving in various intergovernmental forums and commissions in the fields of communication and information, culture and sports. Prior to her diplomatic career she was the Director of the Centre for “Action and Information for Development and International Understanding” and the Vice-Chair of the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA). Ms. Haddad was elected Chairperson of the IFAP Council in 2014 and re-elected for a second term in 2016. She is the first representative from a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) to hold this position.