Francesco Bandarin
UNESCO Assistant Director General for Culture

Ching-yuen Cheung
Lecturer at Department of Japanese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong
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John Crowley
Chief of Section of Research, Policy and Foresight and Sector for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO

Sonia Dhillon Marty
President of the Dhillon Marty Foundation and the Dhillon Marty Inc. and an International Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo, Japan

Yona Friedman
Architect, urban planner and designer renown for his mobile architecture
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Chafica Haddad
Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Council for the Information for All Programme (IFAP) of UNESCO and the Deputy Permanent Delegate of Grenada to UNESCO

Yuko Hayashi
Professor at the Graduate School of Innovation and Technology Management at Yamaguchi University

Florian Hertweck
Architect and professor of architecture at the University of Luxembourg

Spela Hudnik
Founder and director of International Architecture Biennale Ljubljana, global networks of intellectual capital exchange, and co-founder of the architecture studio MONOCHROME ARCHITECTS

Georges Kepenekian
Deputy Mayor and Adviser Member of the Standing Committee of the Metropolis of Lyon

Kengo Kuma
Principal of Kengo Kuma and Associates, and Professor of Architecture at the University of Tokyo, Japan, will deliver the keynote speech at the Conference

Erin Moore
Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture and in the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Oregon
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Takahiro Nakajima
Professor of Chinese Philosophy at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo, Japan

Stein van Oosteren
Attaché for the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO
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Susan Perry
Specialist in international human rights law, teaches and directs graduate programs at The American University of Paris

Bernard Reber
Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Political Research Center of Sciences Po Paris

Erin Renner
Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State and Education Officer to the U.S. Mission to UNESCO

Antoine Santiard
Parnter of h2o archietectes in Paris and professor at GSAPP/Columbia University in the New-York/Paris Program

Jun Sato
Structural Engineer and Professor of Architecture at the University of Tokyo, Japan

Hedva Ser
A UNESCO Artist for Peace, known for her sculptures, watercolors, tapestries, and jewelry

Iryna Volynets
Principal of Volynets architectural bureau in Lviv, Ukraine and a Ph.D. student in the Department of Architecture at the Lviv Polytechnic National University

Mark West
Coordinator of Mobile Learning Week, UNESCO’s flagship ICT in education conference

Matthieu Wotling
Architect, Project Director at Kengo Kuma & Associates and founding Partner at Volga Urbanism & Landscape

Shunya Yoshimi
Professor of Sociology, Cultural Studies, and Media Studies at the University of Tokyo, Japan
(names in alphabetical order)
9:30-9:40 | Yona Friedman: Defining Democracy |
9:40-10:30 | PANEL I: Citizenship, Ecology, and the Built Environment |
10:30-10:40 | OPENING ADDRESS: Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO |
10:40-10:55 | KEYNOTE SPEECH: Kengo Kuma |
10:55-11:05 | BREAK |
11:05-12:15 | PANEL II: Technology of the Driverless Century: Missing Political and Social Coding |
12:15-13:15 | COMPETITION: Phrase of the Year |
13:15-13:50 | LUNCH BREAK |
13:50-14:00 | UNVEILING of “5 Rivers of Equality” Sculpture Model |
14:00-15:00 | PANEL III: Value of Global Society |
15:10-16:40 | PANEL IV: Conditions of Possibility of Global Citizenship in East Asia |
16:40-16:55 | CLOSING ADDRESS: Erin Renner, US Permanent Mission to UNESCO |
CONFERENCE: 9:30-16:55
WORKSHOP: 9:00-15:00
VIN d’HONNEUR: 16:55-17:30
Speakers and program subject to change without prior notice
THE GOAL: Building a social movement to provide answers to pressing issues of today as a counter discourse to extremist voices
Living in the century of new information technology has made us border-less, requiring reconfiguration of the ‘citizen’ and ‘nation’ into the ‘global citizen’ and ‘global nation.’ We must consider how the new global economy, alongside new communication technology, has changed our sense of the global community. Most importantly, we must consider how to build a sense of community and allegiance with people both near and far.
Markets and companies have become global, not national. Yet, our political and social organizations still work with outdated models. How do we, in today’s age, create fluid national systems that provide the governance needed at smaller scales while working with the fluid global citizen of multiple identities? How do we build a sense of community and belonging in a diverse population? How do we educate individuals to effectively and harmoniously function with all of their identities? How do we educate these global citizens in global civic norms? How can new information technology help nations be as flexible as multi-national networks?
For the realization and evaluation of global citizenship, institutions such as in media and academia, and international organizations such as UNESCO are the key agencies whose collaboration are essential. Here, we will have discussions about how we can develop collaboration among these agencies and intellectuals in different countries, especially between Japan, the United States, and countries in the European Union.
Citizenship, Ecology, and the Built Environment
Moderator: Erin Moore
In the volume “Projective Ecologies” (Actar, 2013), designer and theorist Christopher Hight writes: “If environmental transformation is this century’s greatest concern and central narrative, ecology is perhaps our most important framework for understanding and projecting possible futures.” As a cultural lens or as a natural science, ecological thinking illuminates the breadth of ways in which human prosperity is inseparable from the well being of the earth’s systems. Ecological principles such as systems thinking, complexity, and carrying capacity may offer ways to understand layers of individual and community agency in an era of rapid globalization, urbanization and climate change. Simultaneously, the built environment at every scale—from energy transportation to school yard—is the interface that defines relationships within communities, both human and ecological. In this context, what is the role of design in engaging the interconnectedness of human and natural systems? What lessons does the field of ecology offer in thinking about citizenship in the global city? What are topics in the design of the built environment that are critical to issues of citizenship and ecological sustainability? How can design thinking from a global ecological perspective and for our shared global climate, transcend national boundaries in new ways?
Technology of the Driver-less Century: Missing Political and Social Coding
Technology is trail blazing through our world and pushing the need of political and social systems to respond to economic and social insecurities.
Moderator: Sonia Dhillon Marty
As we move into a technology-dependent, driver-less century, we may be missing the political or social coding to perpetuate civil society. As technology trail blazes through our world, the need for political and social systems to respond to new economic and social complexities is critical. This same technology has the potential to make this a border-less world. How can we use this opportunity to build a sense of community and allegiance with people from faraway places? Technology, communication, trade and companies are global and not national. At the same time, political and social organizations are still working with past nationalist models. How do we, in today’s age, create fluid national systems that provide the governance needed at smaller scales while working with the fluidity of global citizens of multiple identities? How can technology support a changing society as flexible as other multi-national networks? In this session, we will propose a general view for strategies for global citizenship in the 21st century.
Value of Global Society
Global Citizenship in the 21st Century
Moderator: Shunya Yoshimi
This panel examines the cultural value of having a global society and the trajectory of such a movement. For people in early 19th-century Europe, the idea of “nation” was a central. During the development of the Industrial Revolution, communities continued to be divided by classes and nationalism emerged as the powerful value for their integration. In the early 21st century, we are living in the age of the global Information Revolution. Moving beyond concepts of class and nation, we are in the process of realizing the concept of global citizenship. Facing this historical transformation, we need to develop a new value to be pursued in integrating a Global Imagined Community through internet technology. Otherwise, the new idea of global citizenship cannot overcome the adversities of terrorism, neo-nationalism and separatism in today’s world. In this session, we will propose a general view for the development of global citizenship in the 21st century and discuss the topic with specialists from media, academia, and international organizations.
Conditions of Possibility of Global Citizenship in East Asia
A new image of universalizing global citizenship, embedded in the East Asian experience
Moderator: Takahiro Nakajima
How can we think of “global citizenship” in East Asia? If it is a fixed and well-defined concept, we can just apply it into the East Asian context. However, there are important differences to compare. It could be a concept on which we are going to elaborate by deepening its Western setting and universalizing its content from the East Asian experience. Following François Jullien’s distinction, it is not a universalizable concept, but it is a universalizing concept. For this purpose, this panel includes four different approaches.
The first one is a challenge to elaborate on a Kantian definition of global citizenship. Professor Takuya Saito, Hokkaido University, is a specialist on Kantian political philosophy and has profound experience as an assistant professor in IHS (Integrated Human Sciences) at the University of Tokyo, in which we have been focusing on many diverse practices aiming to support civil society in Japan.
The second approach sheds light from the Korean experience as a divided nation. Professor Hang Kim, Yonsei University, thinks of the condition of possibility of global citizenship in the Republic of Korea, not as constructing a reunified nation state, but as overcoming the modern nation state system itself in the process of reunification. He is a specialist on modern and contemporary Japan as well. In his comments, he is going to give us insights into the differences and similarities between concepts of civil society and global citizenship in Korea and in Japan.
The third approach focuses on global citizenship in China, including in Hong Kong SAR of China. The recent transformation of Chinese society is faster and more radical than we expected. Professor Cheung Ching-yuen, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, tries to have an image of global citizenship in future China from a Hong Kong perspective and Japanese perspective. Such a vision must contribute to our global world in which democracy is radically challenged.
The fourth approach is an inquiry into a “spiritual” foundation for global citizenship. We are now facing severe confrontations caused by some groups appealing to “religion.” This seems to challenge modern principles of secularization. In this approach, Takahiro Nakajima, professor at the University of Tokyo, works to present the possibility of a spiritual instead of religious foundation for global citizenship. By defending the modern principle of secularization, he offers a spiritual foundation for civil society and global citizenship. He elaborates on the postwar Japanese experience that overcame prewar “religious” statism and established civil society.
The fifth approach is a sociological and cultural one. Professor Shunya Yoshimi, University of Tokyo, delivers a talk on the idea of the university. The university in Japan has been playing a great role in supporting civil society and global citizenship. It is a universalizing place for them. By focusing on the crisis and transformation of the university in Japan, he considers the coming condition of global citizenship.
In conclusion, this panel shares with the participants a new image of universalizing global citizenship embedded in East Asian experiences.